加工定制:是 | 适用对象:矿泉水、纯净水、 鲜奶、 其他 | 适用行业:餐饮、 化工 |
普通喷码机都是产品移动,而喷码机喷头不动,但有的场合不能适用,如仓库出货,需即时喷印经销商代码,大件产品,大重量产品:如大的润滑油桶等无法使用移动产品喷码,(EBS250北京手持喷码机,EBS-250北京手持喷码机,EBS 250北京手持油墨喷码机热线电话:400-607-7550),目***般采用2种方式可以实现手持喷码的需要,一种是采用在标准的喷码机上加装手持式喷码装置,通过同步器装置,可以***字体无论移动速度快慢,都可使字体喷印均匀,美观;但此种方的大缺点就是喷码机移动不便捷,操作比较繁琐。另一种就是直接使用EBS250手持喷码机来实现上述要求!
德国EBS企业原则/EBS Corporate Principles
The EBS Group of companies is a powerful and high performance corporation focussed on development and sales of industrial marking systems worldwide.
Our thoughts and actions are driven by the responsibility to your customers, distributors and staff. The EBS business activities are always centered on the customer, his demands and how best to fulfill them. Respect, tolerance and openness to different cultures underline our international profile.
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